
  • More MILITARY HISTORY, comin' right up!

    7:35 PM PST, 1/29/2009

    FOR ALL THE HISTORY BUFFS OUT THERE: We're now in the process of listing a whole slew of NEW Military Miniatures. This will probably take several days, but among the new warriors are an officer from the USS Constellation, circa 1813; rifleman from the 1st Cavalry Division in 1950; officer of the 2nd Artillery Regiment with drawn sword, Mexican War Era; and a member of the ill-fated 7th Cavalry shortly before their historic meeting with Sitting Bull in 1876. You can see these (and MANY MORE) at our eBaY Store. 
  • Mexican Souvenir Jewelry Makes a Comeback!

    9:52 AM PST, 1/23/2009

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    Celtic Weave Pendant with Lab Emerald - Sterling Silver - Add Your Own CHAIN!

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    4:11 PM PST, 3/6/2125
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         Rummaging around yard, garage and estate sales sometimes yields unexpected benefits. One such blessing has been in the finding of an assortment of rather old "souvenir" pieces gathered by folks during long-forgotten vacations or business trips to Mexico, Cuba and other once-exotic destinations. Many of these pieces exhibit a quality in both materials and craftsmanship that today would put them in the realm of lower-eschelon offerings by TIFFANY and the like-but 'way back then were purposed merely to grab the losse change from your pocket.   

    Two such items are our "Flamingo" and "Burro" pins we've just listed on eBaY. A wonderfully crafted pair; they're both like peeking thru a window onto the tourist trade in pre-WWII Mexico. Obviously mass-produced, but yet displaying a wonderful detail in both the casting and finishing. The silver itself is such a gorgeous mirror luster (hard to come by today in lower cost items), that one just knows it's more than just sterling silver! The use of a small piece of GREEN TURQUOISE for the eyes is the master stroke that sets these apart from hundreds of other souvenir pieces.  

         As noted, we've got these on eBaY along with several other vintage pieces from Mexico. If you recognise any one of them, and could add to our knowledge of their history, we'd be gratified to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us by eBaY messaging (mmoran0513) or regular email. 


  • The LAST of the Original ESTATE JEWELRY

    8:09 PM PST, 1/16/2009

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    4mm Round CZ Aquamarine Blue Post Earrings in SOLID Sterling Silver - NEW!

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    10:04 AM PST, 10/28/2124
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         We're getting close to the last few pieces of the estate jewelry that started us out in eBaY. Being they're last, many tend to be a bit...different. Not your typical pieces, maybe with some uncertainties...but all well-made, qualitive in what they are, and interesting! Take this one, for instance-
         The Multi gemstone ring has seven baquette stones. Two Garnets, two Amethyst, one peridot, one Citrine, and one blue Topaz. This is a Gem of a ring and marked 18k GE and A. What we are not sure of is, if these are real gems or CZ's. The back of the gems are open, so that might mean something to someone. Also, the mark of a A also means something? This  can MAYBE be a BIG bargain for someone. This was part of our estate stuff. It is a size 6 and is in GREAT condition(almost new). Also, Please remember ship FREE to the lower 48's..Happy Bidding!!!!
  • CONNOISSEURS ITEMS-Always at the lowest price on eBaY!

    8:01 PM PST, 1/14/2009

         With the beginning of the new year comes our renewed committment to bring to you the best in jewelry cleaning and maintenance products-namely, CONNOISSEURS products-at the absolute best prices possible. Further, we'll do our best to always get them to you at the LOWEST PRICES on eBaY! To this end, we're continuing our "quantity discount" program for ALL CONNOISSEURS ITEMS. Plainly stated-the more you buy, the lower the price! Nothing out of the ordinary here-this is how business is done all over. If you buy 2, we'll give you a better price than if you buy one. If youy buy three, we'll do better for you than we did for 2...and at FOUR, you'll get it for less yet!  (If you want more than four, message us-we'll work something out). Further, you can "mix n' match" a little-any items with the SAME PRICE will get the SAME DISCOUNT (you can buy two SILVER CLOTHS and two GOLD CLOTHS and get the savings for buying FOUR). I don't think it gets better than this.

         We do our best to 'police' the pricing of these items, but we can occasionally miss something. If you see the CONNOISSEURS items we offer for less somewhere on eBaY, please let us know.   

  • Let ALL Buyers Beware...US INCLUDED!

    7:50 PM PST, 1/1/2009

         With the 2008 Christmas season now fully in the rear view mirror and a new year ready to unfold in front of us, I can't help but notice how little human nature ever changes. The Bible tells us repeatedly how humanity is prone to wrongdoing ("And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things ?which are not fitting; ? being filled with all unrighteousness,..." ?
    The New King James Version. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1982, S. Ro 1:28-29). Unfortunately, we find this proven to us quite graphically at times when we do business over great distances.
         In recent years there has been a remarkable growth of trade with China. Driven by the Great American Search for ever-lower prices, Chinese industry has shown itself to be a most accomodating and flexible trading partner. From Christmas lights to high-end jewelry (and just about everything in between), there is a provider in China who will sell you what you seek at a price that'll truly knock your socks off!
         OF course, big appetites and big dollars always brings with it big misjudgements, big errors, and big SCAMS. I would imagine we've all heard of the Killer Pet Food and toys made with lead-based paint-all for export to the United States. These episodes appear to have been caught early, before many people were caught up in the havoc (actually, the worst repercussions were probably for the execs at the offending companies in China-rumor has it they were dragged from their homes and duly SHOT DEAD by uniformed assailants). But how about on a lower level-in a more personal market-something that can directly effect YOU?...Tina and I weren't too worried about it, either. Until-