• About Our Business

    About Us:
    Righteous Rainbow Rocks is an INDEPENDANT EXPERIENCE. I, Adam Scanlon, hand dig these sacred stones with positive intentions, using only hand tools. Digging, Meditating with, and distributing these Righteous Rainbow Rocks is my divine destiny. I am happy to share them with all my planetary kin. None if the crystals i list are from commerical mines, or washed in anything but water. They only have come in contact with my family, sacred sage smoke for blessing, and water. We are GALACTIC MAYANS and are here to spread the light of love to all Earth Children. check out www.lawoftime.org for more 13x20synchronization information. NAMASTE IN Lak'ech -------------------------------------------------------General Herkimer Diamond INFO---------------------------------------------------- Herkimer Diamonds are the Purest Quartz Crystal on Earth. They are NATURALLY FACETED BY EARTH over a 500 MILLION YEAR TIME-SPAN. Double Terminated 18+ faces witch give them there uniqe Shape, Perfect Crystalized Holograms of the universises Micro-Macro Design. They are alive and have a piesioelectric "tick" or heartbeat and eminate high frequency fileds of electromagnectic energy.They ineract with all other kinds of energy, and actually allign other energy into there perfected geometrical patterns, HENCE there healing power, They are in a sense Galactic Fabric Combs, as they have the power to comb out any imbalace or irregular disturbances in the human / etherical energy field. They are spirit allies, and have infante memory sotred inside them and are 500+ millon years old with all that earth memory crystalized within IT's lattices. They are PRISMATIC transmitter stones and can be used to project ones intent infanately into the universe, in every direction at once. They are also recivers and can be used in a similar fasion to a radio reciver, and can "pick up" other vibrations or "messages" being eminated from the furthest reaches of outer and inner space. Herkimer Quartz in uniqe due to it's righteous rainbow radiance,that resembles a coal or blood diamond, but the herkimers have an advantage on coal dimaonds, due to the fact that they DO NOT have to be cut by man, they come out of the earth NATURALLY FACETED, by millions of years of earth energy. They in most cases do not even need to be washed in water they come out clear and shining. Herkimer Dimaonds are the hardest form of quartz on the sacle, at is the only quartz crystals on earth that come out of host rock, 100% FLAWLESS FLOATERS (meaning that they do not contact or touch host rock or other crystals while forming, a miracle of life in its finest form.) They have only come in contact with my hands sunlight and sage smoke since being removed from there ancint home, and all the time i have retained and respected there power and potential and held the highest intentions and vibrations while seeking and handeling them. (A tip: when handeling your herkimer diamonds, particularly the RADIANT WATER CLEAR ONES, it is reccommended that you first wash your hands with a soap that removes oils from the skin and does not add and artifical moisture. and then rinse the crystals in water and dry with a clean cloth or towel. due to the clarity and highly refractive capabilies of the GEM, the oils from the skin will smudge the crystal and detract highly from their brilliance.) they love sunlight and emit ranbows when the sun light passes directly through them. keep them close to you while you get to know them, they are lovely spirit guides and can enhance the lucid experience while dreaming. thanks and may your new crystal kin bring you much love, NAMASTE IN Lak'ech p.s although they are very hard they are als0 soft, the eges are terminations are very delicate. id reccommend keeping them from touching each other or hard surfaces such as metal
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