• About Our Business

    About Us:
    Hello, My name is Julie Claxton. Originally I was Julie Rapier and although I love my husband and his family, I feel that I will always be a Rapier; therefore, that's how I sign my name. I am 21 years old, and I've been painting and drawing all my life. My grandmother is an artist with a lot of passion for her work, and there is no doubt that she is where I get my talent from. As a child I only ever wanted to be an artist. My dream is to paint and sell to the people who really appreciate an imagination and a passion for doing something you love most. I was born and raised in Ringling, Oklahoma, and I hope to be here forever. Many people in this small town know my work and encourage me to keep going until I reach my dream. I thank all of those people for believing in me. I grew up with only one dream, to be Picasso lol. I guess I am 'self-taught' although I give a lot of credit to my high school art teacher. My senior year of high school I had a couple of minor scholarships for local colleges, but I opted to stay home and settle down. If I hadn't made that decision I would not have gotten married to whom I can only describe as my soulmate, Sam. He provides for me while I chase this silly dream of being an artist, and is my biggest supporter. Sam is sort of my 'art dealer'. He helps me decide what to list and when, and I am never finished with a piece until I've asked him what he thinks. I live close to my family and always hear what they think of each piece, my dad is my best critic. He thinks like me, and I know he'll give me an honest opinion. If something is not right with a painting, he'll tell me, and then suggest how to fix it. I fear I will never be the artist that I dream of being. I can only do my best, and hope that with time and experience, maybe one day I will wake up to see my dream turn into reality. I hope everyone enjoys my art. Each work I do, I leave a piece of myself with, and a piece of it will always be with me.
    Places to Find Us:
    www.myartspace.com under Julie Rapier-Claxton or userID Claxylady My Squidoo Lens: www.squidoo.com/Art_of_julie_rapier_claxton
  • Our Business Policies and Services

    Shipping is done with the United States Postal Service. Items will be shipped within 24 hours of purchase (With an Exception to holidays and weekends). If you would like your item to be mailed with UPS or Fedex instead, please let me know at time of purchase. I ship only to the United States.
    If you have any problems with payment, shipping, etc. please let me know. I'm always willing to stretch the rules for a fellow art lover. I work from a small office in my home, mostly at night (bit of insomnia), so please feel free to e-mail me at any time of day or night, I'll try my hardest to reply promptly.
    Payment Methods:
    • Money Order/Cashiers Check,
    • Personal Check,
    • PayPal
    • PayPal
    Tax Information: