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Skyemark Gothic Horrors 1st Release: Desirae's War, a Vampire Novel Coming November 2008

11:06 AM PST, 10/13/2008

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Desirae’s War

“The origins of vampire beliefs, porphyria and vampire folklore were all tricks of involved magic. There’s no end to his evil.

Jack took six men with him, but the sorcerer called up darkness, and the darkness came to his command. He kept the unnatural darkness around him like a cloak, and all the good men who came into his path came to grief because they couldn’t see. The grim came. Even his love, Desirae herself, was struck down by one of the sorcerer's minions, but fortune preserved their lives. What held them tighter, true love for the real folklore or the love of magic?”

A vampire novel by Skyemark Gothic Horrors coming November 2008…

Author: Jack R. Sorenson

Co-Author: Michelle Lundy

You’ll find this horrifying new novel, just in time for the holidays, available at SKYEMARK GOTHIC HORRORS: http://www.lulu.com/skyemarkgothichorrors

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