World Banknotes

12:12 PM PST, 4/13/2008

Hello. I have been a collector and part-time dealer of world papermoney for almost 30 years ! I have been listing these world notes on eBay for over 8 years.. My eBay username is : worldnotes4u I have just listed over 30 new listings of notes. Many are older notes, dating back to the early 1900s. My eBay store has over 340 notes listed either for auction or Store items with fixed prices. My country list is long and varied; Venezuela, Nicaragua, Spain,Austria, Malaya, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, France, and a wide variety of other countries and their banknotes. If you are interested or just curious about this great collecible hobby, stop by my eBay store (worldnotes4u), or email me at: [email protected]. Thanks for your time. Larry/Seattle Area

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