Junior golf clubs must fit

6:50 PM PST, 8/4/2007

Junior Golf Clubs must fit! I have been custom fitting, building and selling junior golf clubs for almost 20 years. Too many fathers and junior well-wishers do not take the time to fit juniors for golf clubs. "Either the junior clubs will fit or your junior just may quit." There are many horror stories about dads or grandpas cutting down very stiff and heavy golf clubs; the "hand-me-downs" are then given to "little Joey." They are difficult to hit, there is no feel; often time, discouraging young up-start junior golfers. You do not have to spend a fortune on junior clubs. I will make your junior, based on his height, age and potential growth a set that includes 3-clubs, (for the 3-5 year old) 7-clubs (for the 6-10 year old) and a full set (14 clubs) for the serious junior. I have sold over 1,000 sets of junior clubs on e-bay (%99.6 rating) because I use flexible golf shafts, (no need to spend lots of money on graphite shafts) small rubber grips, along with higher lofted woods (10.5 to 12 degree driver lofts) for easy lift. Remember, you may not have too many chances to hook your child on golf, so let him/her use clubs that are:1) The correct length, 2)weak/flexible shafts, 3)Small grips and 4)lots of loft, so the experience is an enjoyable one. Golf has been referred to as a life game; it is also a game that will change a junior's life. When I was young, I grew up in a tough neighborhood, a few of my friends spent time in jail playing games that were not legal. My father introduced me to golf at the age of 9 years and I have been playing for over 40 years. Introduce your child to golf today because it is a game of honesty and honor. Mom and dad....you will always know they are at a safe haven--the golf course.Please think seriously about getting your junior(s) golf lessons and a properly fit set of clubs.

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