The Fenton Art Glass Company, which introduced in 1907 the process of spraying hot pressed glass with metallic salts to produce the iridescent glass we now call CARNIVAL, began production of their Stag & Holly pattern in 1912. It can be found in 10" - 13" Ice Cream shaped bowls with "ball" feet, deep Ruffled bowls from the same mould, 7-8" Ruffled and Ice Cream bowls with "spatula" feet, RARE Spatula-foot Plates, Chop Plates and a "Nut Bowl" shape. "STAG & HOLLY" has been reported in at least 14 colors. The pattern was also produced in "Transparent Green" and "Transparent Pink".
Unfortunately, Asian reproductions have been introduced to the market and have fooled many buyers both new and experienced. The main features to watch for include an evenly ruffled rim (molded rather than shaped), garish iridescence, a slightly smaller collar base, no tongue sticking out of the Stag's mouth (this may have been corrected on later fakes) and uniridized versions (red). I think that the black amethyst versions fool the most folks. Fakes are also reported in white and opalescent.