Hunting Season 2009-2010

1:10 PM PST, 10/20/2009

The 2009 - 2010 hunting season is going strong. We wanted to share some hunting safety tips.  Here are some basic tips that should be implemented at all times.

1.      Treat your disarmed gun or bow with the same respect that you would with a loaded bow or gun. ALWAYS assume that your gun or bow is loaded and ready to shoot.
2.      NEVER, EVER point your gun or bow at anyone when unloaded.
3.      Always point your weapon in a safe direction.
4.      Keep your safety on until ready to shoot.
5.      Do not become anxious and take your safety off of your weapon prior to the shot. That is why the safety is located usually within an inch of the trigger.
6.      ALWAYS keep your target IN FRONT of you. That is crucial.
7.      Clearly identify your target before you shoot. Every year individuals are shot because they are mistaken for a deer. In all my years of hunting, I still cannot fathom how this occurs. Even 30 minutes before sunrise, one should clearly see their target before shooting. Once again emotions get in the way and inappropriate shots are taken.
8.      Always unload your firearm; never climb into a tree stand, climb over a fence, in or over a duck blind with a loaded weapon.
9.      Know the range of your weapon. Know how far it will shoot. Know what loads you have in the chamber. Know how accurate you are with a bow and how far that your bow will shoot. Know what is behind your target.
10.    Keep your emotions in check. Use GOOD judgment. No animal, no deer, whether it is a pintail drake, large rooster pheasant climbing out of a morning’s cornfield, or a 10 to 12-point buck is worth an accident. It is when these gifts of nature occur and our emotions rise that mistakes happen.
11.    Ear safety: Many hunters will sacrifice ear safety so they can hear game coming, especially when deer hunting. Put a soft earplug in the ear closest to your weapon. I personally have decreased hearing now in my right ear because this is one area I neglected over time. All of our senses are precious and we must take care of them as best as possible.
12.    Always keep your gun clean. When you unload your gun, if it is a pump, I usually make sure 2-3 ejections after the 3 shells come out that there is nothing in the chamber. I leave the chamber open. The same for automatics. Check and see if your barrel is free of any debris. Over the years, a mouse may find its way into your gun case. It can tear up some of the cotton, and cotton may be stuck in the barrel. If you shoot, you’ll have a split barrel. The shrapnel could come back in your face, causing eye injuries and severe facial lacerations. Even a little bit of snow at the end of your barrel can cause a severe injury. When you drop your gun, you should always dismantle it, clean it, wipe it down, and put it back together.
13.    As with any piece of equipment, a clean weapon is a functional weapon. This holds true with bows, as well. Check them before use to make sure they are in good working order. All parts of the bow should be tightened and in correct position, usually accomplished with an Allen wrench, prior to hunting.
If you are in need of hunting gear Click Here.

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