Collecting Tolkien Books

5:37 PM PST, 4/19/2007

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FIRST PRINT The Young Magicians ** Scarce TOLKIEN & CS LEWIS

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10:58 AM PST, 9/24/2120
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Welcome to my new Blog. This is intended to share my limited expertise about Collectible Tolkien Books. I am not a Wayne G. Hammond or Douglas A. Anderson (editors of J.R.R. Tolkien: A Descriptive Bibliography, Oak Knoll Press, 1993, 2002), but I have learned a little over the years. If you have any questions about the various editions of Tolkien's works, send me an e-mail at [email protected]. Please allow a few days for me to answer, especially if your question is of a technical nature. Indicate whether you would like your question posted to my Blog. (Your identity will be protected.) I certainly do not know everything, but I can usually find the answer. If you notice anything in my Blog that is questionable, or you know to be incorrect, please contact me about it.

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