7:43 PM PST, 4/7/2009

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Romance Sparkle Llave Colgante En Sólido 925 Plata de Ley

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2:49 PM PST, 11/18/2121
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WE ORIGINALLY POSTED the following blog entry in November 2008:

As our nation moves ever deeper into difficult economic times, we all struggle to make the dollars we have go farther. At AMAZED BY GRACE SPECIALTIES, we're doing our part by regularly reviewing all our costs, resisting price increases handed down to us by our suppliers; and lowering other prices whenever possible. We have just done so with our complete line of CONNOISSEURS Jewelry Cleaning and Maintenance items. Not only have we set them up at the lowest consistant pricing regularly available on eBay, but we're offering a multi-item SAVINGS REFUND to allow you to make a good deal even better! There are reduced prices available when you purchase as few as 2...up to 4 units...on EVERY CONNOISSEURS item we sell!

Looking back almost wistfully at those days, none of us had any inkling of just how bad things could get...and it looks as though we've still got a ways to go on this roller coaster ride!

When the going gets tough, the tough get SMART...and get THRIFTY! Now there's an antique word-not used much for the last 20 years; but certainly enjoying a renaissance today! We're finding people are now thinking long and hard about almost every purchase, and putting off quite a bit. Rather than replace, many are choosing to repair, revise, renew...and part of that is CLEANING!...and when we're speaking of cleaning JEWELRY, nothing works better than CONNOISSEURS JEWELRY CLEANING Products! It never fails to amaze me just how much SPARKLE & BLING can be hiding in a soiled silver or gemstone piece. Dipping old brooches, chains and rings in the REVITALIZING SILVER CLEANER can actually cause an identity crisis-when you discover you've forgotten just how good a piece really looks!

While it may take a little while for our sales philosophy to get used to this and "stabilize", we applaud this move towards "life cycle extension". It does our hearts good to see STUFF used continuously and long-term, rather than be disposed of when it is no longer "stylish". Keep it up; AMERICA! By the grace of a loving GOD, and just a little bit of COMMON SENSE, we may survive this yet!

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