Introducing our CHRISTIAN JEWELRY DEPARTMENT - to help you stay focused!

9:37 PM PST, 3/30/2009

    OVER THE LAST FEW MONTHS, our own personal attraction to jewelry that helps us project our faith and keep ourselves focused has grown from a sideline to a point where it is now our specialty. Of course, as with all things in life, we thank GOD for the direction, opportunities and encouragement to travel down this path...but on a more "nuts & bolts" level, HE used all of you out there-bringing your needs and desires to our door tep-to give us the fuel needed to keep moving. We thank YOU ALL for your trust, and hopefully look forward to continuing to supply your faith-based needs as time goes on. 

     WE KEEP LOOKING for new, unique and exciting items to offer, and are most pleased when we can present accessories that are both pleasing to you all, and very difficult to find elsewhere. The MUSTARD SEED CROSS, FISH and HEART were some of the earlier pieces that seemed to have touched your fancy. Always striving to improve our inventory, in recent weeks we've added the FOOTPRINTS RING in several sizes, the unique ICHTHYS BANGLE in Sterling Silver, and an assortment of man-sized Gemstone-based Crosses. One of the most unusual items we've gathered up is the JESUS - ANCHOR OF HOPE Necklace (see links for these items at the end of the article).  

     WE"VE EVEN BEEN ABLE to "spin off" another small department from CHRISTIAN JEWELRY - AmG's New Jewelry for TWEENS . Knowing how important STYLE can be to those in the in-between years, we spend considerable time and thoughtfulness in choosing items to present here. Absolutely nothing "cheezy" or cheap; every item is Sterling Silver and (where applicable) real gemstones.

     AS WE GET DEEPER INTO SPRING, the many celebrations of renewal and rebirth approach. First Communion, Confirmation, Resurrection Sunday (Easter), Junior and Senior Proms; even on to graduations and weddings...these are many events where a precious gift of jewelry is often traditional. There is little on earth that can offer an image of promise and unblemished purity as the smooth, clean luster of polished Sterling Silver as it gently surrounds and protects a sparkling gemstone. We hope to give glory and praise to our Father GOD by offering such as this as our "stock in trade"; offered honestly and fairly; and always with friendly and courteous service...not to mention FREE SHIPPING!  

HERE ARE A FEW LINKS to some popular items:

     (BOTH RINGS also available in other sizes)

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