Next stop: Resurrection Sunday

6:27 PM PST, 3/29/2009

As the single most important date on the Christian calendar, I've often wondered why we don't make more of this day. After all-what could be more momentous than commemorating the day Jesus defeated death, and opened heaven to all mankind? While the main gift fare will probably remain chocolate rabbits and marshmallow peeps, if you're considering JEWELRY as a gift-AMAZED BY GRACE SPECIALTIES is a great place to begin...AND end! Our Christian jewelry department is growing every week as we find new and unique items to give you an elegant way to display your faith and begin witnessing to those around you. There is now also AmG's New Jewelry for TWEENS with an assortment of both Christian and secular items for the "First Jewelry" choice. We've recently added a large assortment of some basic but attractive items in rings and earrings, featuring all STERLING SILVER settings and gemstones. Please check in with us often. Over the next few weeks there will be new items, sales, special offers and who knows what else...let's just say we're going to have FUN making things attractive for you!

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