WITH THE ECONOMIC TURMOIL swirling around us today, probably the last thing on anyones' mind is buying new jewelry...but then again, withVALENTINE's DAY right around the corner...
We are pleased to present to you several new styles of solitaire rings-with REAL NATURAL GEMSTONES, in STERLING SILVER SETTINGS- at prices that will make you wonder if they aren't in error. I promise you, my friends; they're the real deal, at the real price.
Some of the ring settings are quite unique; such as the one we are calling "The Button"; which acts as a framework for beautifully faceted oval gems. There is also the verrrry eye-catching "Teardrop East-West". Several more traditional but generous styles round out the group, including an emerald-cut gemstone with a very wide band and a set of huge cabochon-based rings. All (as noted) are STERLING SILVER. The gemstones included to this point include Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, Lapis, Onyx, Tigers Eye, Topaz, Citrine, Garnet, Peridot, Carnellian, Moonstone; etc etc etc.
Did I mention the cost? Well, some are actually under $10. I know-what can you get for $10 today. C'mon in and take a look. You won't believe your eyes.
As days go by, we'll add new pages and describe each different style.