The New King James Version. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1982, S. Ro 1:28-29). Unfortunately, we find this proven to us quite graphically at times when we do business over great distances.
In recent years there has been a remarkable growth of trade with China. Driven by the Great American Search for ever-lower prices, Chinese industry has shown itself to be a most accomodating and flexible trading partner. From Christmas lights to high-end jewelry (and just about everything in between), there is a provider in China who will sell you what you seek at a price that'll truly knock your socks off!
OF course, big appetites and big dollars always brings with it big misjudgements, big errors, and big SCAMS. I would imagine we've all heard of the Killer Pet Food and toys made with lead-based paint-all for export to the United States. These episodes appear to have been caught early, before many people were caught up in the havoc (actually, the worst repercussions were probably for the execs at the offending companies in China-rumor has it they were dragged from their homes and duly SHOT DEAD by uniformed assailants). But how about on a lower level-in a more personal market-something that can directly effect YOU?...Tina and I weren't too worried about it, either. Until-