OUR BARGAIN BIN is freshly stocked with FISH RINGS, ROSE RINGS, STAR of DAVID RINGS, a gazillion dirfferent types of genuine gemstone rings - all in STERLING SILVER, and all available in sizes 7,8 and 9 at a minimum. With specially priced PRIORITY MAIL shipping, it can get to you before CHRISTMAS, too...but that window is closing fast! We'll pack as many rings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, earrings; etc.-that will fit into the standard USPS FLAT RATE ENVELOPE, and shoot it off to you for $3.50! If you're getting some bulkier items, we'll do the same offer with their small FLAT RATE BOX for $7.77...where can you find a better deal?
SO...get it while the gettin' is good! Only a very few more days...