You can STILL have it for CHRISTMAS...

11:22 AM PST, 12/18/2008

YOU SEARCH...and search...but just can't find the RIGHT gift for a certain person. But then LO! there is is...but it's on eBaY, and [HOKEY SMOKES BULLWINKLE!!] it's now December'll NEVER get here in time...

WAIT! Don't give up so quick. As Tina and I keep saying, "WE'RE HUMAN, TOO!". So, to help overcome the basic human condition of procrastination, we are offering USPS PRIORITY MAIL service for almost everything we sell...and at a REDUCED RATE! With the Post Office promise of 2 to 3 day delivery in the Continental US, you can still purchase something from us as late as Sunday, December 21st and have a reasonable expectation of having it before CHRISTmas. 

AND IT GETS BETTER! We will ship smaller items (which includes almost every jewelry piece) by Priority FLAT RATE ENVELOPE...for $3.50. That's almost $1.50 cheaper than the Post Office! (How can we do it? Don't ask...). If you've chosen a larger, bulkier item (such as a rare collectible Teacup & saucer), we'll send it out by Priority SMALL FLAT RATE BOX...for $7.77. Again-cheaper than Uncle Sam. And if you buy more than one item, we'll just keep tossing 'em in the package 'till it's full...NO EXTRA COST TO YOU! Just let us know you're still shopping.

We hope this comes to you at just the right time. Instead of being a day late, well...maybe now, you're right on time!

Tina and I pray GOD's great blessings on all of our customers, and may your Christmas be joy-filled! 


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