In the spirit of doing what we can to help out in this difficult economic time, we are going to ship select small jewelry items in attractive, silver-wrapped gift boxes FREE OF CHARGE. This will include basically any "regular" jewelry purchase (not Bargain Bin items) where the item will comfortably fit in the 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" box. This generally includes rings, some earrings, most pendants and some bracelets. As items are re-listed we will try to indicate which ones are included.
In the same vein, similar "Bargain Bin" items will be eligible to purchase up to 3 gift boxes per item at a low, discounted price. There will be a link on each listing to assist you in the purchase.
Tina and I wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving and a joyous Christmas! Just don't forget- JESUS is the REASON for the SEASON!