Double the traffic to your auctions
- Cross sell and upsell
- Mobile responsive & no active content
- Customize the products shown
Use our Scrolling Gallery to cross-promote your eBay listings and boost sales. Auctiva’s Scrolling Gallery is a powerful cross selling tool that shows eBay customers the other products that are available in your store. The Scrolling Gallery is customizable, making it easier to upsell with additional products or promote similar products.
The gallery is a great way to showcase your other eBay items to shoppers looking to buy. This is your opportunity to capture your audience, and cross-promote and cross-sell relevant items within your inventory. It's active content free and complies with all of eBay's policies. Best of all, the Scrolling Gallery is auto-appended to your eBay listings and is completely customizable.
Sign up with Auctiva today to take advantage of the countless potential sales that you'll have access to using Auctiva's Free eBay Scrolling Gallery.