An eBay seller in Seattle filed a class-action lawsuit against luxury brand Coach, accusing the handbag designer of violating the Consumer Protection Act.
Gina Kim says Coach unfairly accused her of trademark infringement after she posted several used handbags for sale on eBay.
Kim, a former Coach employee, says she received a cease-and-desist letter from the company shortly after her items hit the auction site, in which they accuse her of selling fake goods. In the letter, Kim says officials also asked her to pay $300 to prevent legal action, according to news reports.
Kim added that eBay also closed her account at Coach's request.
Kim's attorney, Jay Carlson, says that Coach officials failed to thoroughly investigate Kim's items, and that the purses are genuine. He says the investigation was "so slip-shot" that Coach officials didn't know Kim was a former Coach employee.
In the suit, Kim says Coach has sent similar letters to other eBay sellers without thoroughly investigating their items as well.
Under eBay's Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) policy, the site will, at the request of brand owners, cancel listings believed to infringe on trademarks.
Auctiva staff writers constantly monitor trends and best practices of those selling on eBay and elsewhere online. They attend relevant training seminars and trade shows and regularly discuss the market with PowerSellers and other market experts.
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