Auctiva Fees Policy Plans and Services

  1. Fee Schedule

      Free Tools
    Selling Channels eBay only eBay only eBay only eBay only eBay only 3[3] Unlimited Unlimited
    Active SKUs/Mo.[1] - - - - Unlimited Up to 1000[1] Up to 5000[1] Unlimited
    Listings/Mo. N/A Up to 100[2] Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
    Included Image Hosting 100 MB 1 GB[4] 1.5 GB[4] 2 GB[4] 2 GB[5] 5 GB[5] 10 GB[5] 20 GB[5]
    Free Tools: Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included
    Standard Tools: - Included Included Included Included Included Included Included
    Multi-Channel Tools: - - - - Included Included Included Included
    Monthly Fee - $15.95 $24.95 $29.95 $24.95 $49.95 $99.95 $199.95
    Prepayment - 1 year - $159.50 $249.50 $299.50 $249.50 $499.50 $999.50 $1999.50
    Prepayment - 2 years - $303.05 $474.05 $569.05 $474.05 $949.05 $1899.05 $3799.05
    Prepayment - 3 years - $430.65 $673.65 $808.65 $673.65 $1348.65 $2698.65 $5398.65

    [1]If the user’s Active SKU count exceeds their current plan’s Active SKU threshold, the account will be automatically transitioned to the plan tier that supports that amount of Active SKUs, effective in the next month’s billing cycle.
    [2]Additional listings over 100 will be charged at $0.50 each.
    [3]Related to the Standard plan, users are allowed to select from the available integrated channels.
    [4]Additional Image Hosting can be purchased in 500 MB increments for $9.95/month for the Advanced, Elite and Pro plans respectively.
    [5]Additional Image Hosting can be purchased in 1 GB increments for $9.95/month for the Start-up, Standard, Professional and Enterprise plans respectively.

    Free Tools Plan features: Integration with eBay. Scrolling Gallery, Auto-Marketing E-mails, Basic Reports, Data Storage, Auctiva Education, Image Hosting (100 MB Free)

    Advanced Plan Features: Integration with eBay. 250+ Listing Template Designs, Auctiva Listing Tools, Auctiva Multi-Variation Tool, Shipping Insurance, Sales Management, Advanced Reports, Inventory, Auto-Feedback and all Free Tools Plan features

    Elite Plan Features: Integration with eBay. 250+ Listing Template Designs, Auctiva Listing Tools, Auctiva Multi-Variation Tool, Shipping Insurance, Sales Management, Advanced Reports, Inventory, Auto-Feedback, Parts Compatibility, Consignment, two 30-minute Customer Support Phone Calls per month, Live Chat Support and all Free Tools Plan features.

    Pro Plan features: All features included in the Free Tools/Advanced/Elite Plans as listed above plus the Auctiva Custom Newsletter and Auctiva Account Manager.

    Multi-Channel features: Inventory and listing management for all integrated selling channels, all features included in the Free Tools/Advanced Plans as listed above plus the Auctiva Custom Newsletter, the Search Engine Optimizer, Auto-Synced Quantity, the 1-Page Multi-Channel Lister, the reporting Dashboard and the Auctiva Image App.

    Shipping Insurance: Auctiva Shipping Insurance is available for purchase at extra cost within the Free Tools Plan, Advanced Plan, Elite Plan, Pro Plan, Start-up Plan, Standard Plan, Professional Plan, and Enterprise Plan. Use of Auctiva Shipping Insurance requires a separate Terms of Service agreement prior to first use.

  2. Image Hosting Policy

    1. Image Hosting Charges. Included Image Hosting for all plans is indicated in the table above. The table below illustrates additional monthly charges for Image Hosting usage in excess of the included allowances.

      500 MB Included Included Included Included Included Included Included
      1 GB Included Included Included Included Included Included Included
      1.5 GB - Included Included Included Included Included Included
      2 GB - - Included Included Included Included Included
      2.5 GB - - - - Included Included Included
      3 GB - - - - Included Included Included
      5 GB - - - - Included Included Included
      5 GB - - - - Included Included Included
      10 GB - - - - - Included Included
      20 GB - - - - - - Included
      Unlimited $49.75 $39.80 $29.85 $29.85 $29.85 $29.85 $29.85

      Note: Image Hosting Charges are capped at $49.75, $39.80, $29.85, $29.85, $29.85, $29.85 and $29.85 for the Advanced, Elite, Pro, Start-up, Standard, Professional and Enterprise plans respectively.
      [7]All users on the Advanced, Elite and Pro plans can purchase additional Image Hosting in 500 MB increments for $9.95/month.
      [8]All users on the Start-up, Standard, Professional and Enterprise plans can purchase additional Image Hosting in 1 GB increments for $9.95/month.

    2. Maintenance. Auctiva will generally store images on our Image Hosting servers for the life of your account, although Auctiva may delete images at any time, at its discretion. You can delete images from your account at any time using our Image Deletion wizard.

    3. Features. All Auctiva image editing and security features (including watermarking, supersizing and "save as" disabling) are included.

  3. Free Trial

    1. Eligibility. All Auctiva users begin their account with an unlimited 30-day free trial, during which no plan fees or Image Hosting fees will be assessed.

    2. Duration. Trial periods are 30 days from the account creation date. If you select a Monthly Fee or Prepaid plan during your trial period, that election will go into effect at the end of the 30-day trial. The trial period will not be shortened. In such cases, your first billing shall consist of a prorated charge for any days remaining in the month after the date your free trial ends, plus the first full month's subscription fees for the plan you selected.

  4. Pricing Plan Changes

    1. Effective Date. You can change your pricing plan at any time. Your pricing plan change election will go into effect on the first day of the next month after you make a plan change, provided that you are changing from one Monthly Fee or Prepaid plan to another, or from a Monthly Fee or Prepaid plan to the Free Tools Plan. You will be billed for the plan you have selected in the next billing cycle occurring after the date you changed your pricing plan. If you changed to a Monthly Fee plan, then you will be billed the monthly subscription fee applicable to the plan you have selected. If you elected a Prepaid Plan, you will be charged the full Prepaid Plan fee for the plan you have selected.

      However, if you change from the Free Tools Plan to either a Monthly Fee plan or a Prepaid plan, the change will take effect immediately and result in a proration of that billing cycle's monthly fee.

    2. Proration. Automatic proration will only be applied to monthly fees in the following situations:

      • The first billing cycle in which a user switches from trial to a Monthly Fee or Prepaid plan

      • The first billing cycle in which a user switches from the Free plan to a Monthly Fee or Prepaid plan
        Note: Proration will be calculated based on a 30-day billing cycle:

        (Number of Days / 30) ● Monthly Fee
  5. Fee Specifics and Mechanics:

    1. Listings Defined. For the purpose of the 100 listings/month allowance under the $15.95 Advanced Plan, a listing shall be defined as an original posting (or relisting) of an eBay listing that is listed or relisted using the facilities of Auctiva's site. Multiple-item listings and Good 'Til Canceled listings will only be counted once, when initially posted. Listings that automatically renew on eBay, or that are relisted by a means other than the Auctiva site, will not be counted as a listing. Each listing in excess of 100/month under the Advanced Plan will result in a charge of 50 cents, up to a monthly maximum amount of $35, which does not include the flat monthly fee, additional Image Hosting fees and other variable charges incurred through usage of Auctiva’s pay services (e.g., Auctiva Shipping Insurance).

      The term "listing" includes, but is not limited to, the following: a) auctions, b) fixed-price listings, c) multiple-item listings, e) Good 'Til Canceled eBay listings and e) eBay Motors listings.

    2. Active SKUs Defined. For the purpose of the 250 active SKU threshold allowance under the Start-up Plan, the 1,000 active SKU threshold allowance under the Standard Plan, and the 5,000 active SKU threshold allowance under the Professional Plan, an active SKU shall be defined as a SKU that is associated to an active listing on any given selling channel and has a quantity equal to or greater than 1. If a listing does not contain a SKU, that would be considered a unique SKU and would count towards the plan’s active SKU threshold allowance. Active SKUs count towards your plan’s active SKU threshold allowance whether the listing was submitted via Auctiva services, or imported into Auctiva from an integrated channel.

    3. Channel / Selling Channel Defined. For the purpose of the channels related to the Start-up Plan, the Standard Plan, the Professional Plan and the Enterprise Plan, a channel shall be defined as any of the marketplace channels Auctiva is currently integrated with, including but not limited to and

    4. eBay Germany Listings. For users on the $15.95 Advanced Plan, listings will not count toward the monthly listing limit. Users wishing to list only on should contact Customer Support. Image Hosting charges still apply.

These Fee Policies Apply to Plans

  1. Billing

    1. On-File Payment Method. In order to select one of our paid plans, users must place a payment method on file with Auctiva, which they agree to have automatically charged following invoice creation. Once you have selected a paid plan, Auctiva will charge you the non-refundable plan fee indicated. All plan fees and Image Hosting usage fees will be charged until you cancel your subscription.

    2. Billing Cycle. All Auctiva users will be on the same billing cycle, to follow full calendar months. The billing cycle cut-off date/time is 23:59:59 Pacific Time on the last day of each month (e.g., Dec. 31, April 30, etc.).

    3. Invoice Creation/Notification. During the first week of each month, we will create an invoice for your account. This invoice will include any non-subscription related charges you incurred during the previous month's billing cycle (these may include but are not limited to shipping label charges, excess image hosting charges, and any additional listings charges incurred for Advanced Plan users who exceeded their 100 listing per month plan maximum) plus the subscription fees applicable to the upcoming month for the pricing plan you have selected. You can view invoices directly from the Auctiva Invoice page here.

    4. Payment Processing. Payment processing will typically occur three days following invoice creation. We will automatically charge your on-file payment method if your balance meets our charging thresholds. To pay by a different means, you can make a one-time credit card or PayPal payment, or switch your on-file payment method before payment processing occurs. Fees are payable in U.S. dollars. The date we plan to charge your on-file payment method will be included within the actual invoice accessible through your account.

    5. Payment Thresholds. Payments will only be processed if your balance due is $2.00 or greater. If the balance due is less than $2.00 (or you have a credit balance), the balance will be carried over to the next billing cycle. If you have carried a balance due that has remained between $1.00 and $2.00 for 3 consecutive months, we will process a payment on the fourth month for the entire balance due.

      Fees for Prepaid Plans will be charged immediately upon their selection, except for those selections made during the Free Trial period. In this case, such fees will be charged immediately after the trial period ends.

    6. Automatic Plan Transitions. Relating to the Start-up Plan, Standard Plan, Professional Plan and the Enterprise Plan’s active SKU threshold allowance, if the user’s active SKU count exceeds their current plan’s active SKU threshold allowance, the user’s account will automatically transition to the plan tier that supports that amount of active products and the new plan fee will be chargeable in the next month’s billing cycle.

    7. Plan Prepayment. All prepaid plans (one year, two year, and three year) are billed upon selection at the full subscription fee charge for the selected term. Discounts on prepaid plans are applied as free "months" at the end of the plan term. A full refund of a prepaid plan may be provided if the request occurs within 30 days of the the effective date of the prepaid plan selection. Auctiva may, at its discretion, provide a prorated refund for any prepaid plan that has not entered the free period included at the end of a prepaid billing cycle. When a refund is made for a prepaid plan, such refund will be calculated by subtracting the undiscounted monthly fee for the plan selected from the amount that was prepaid, prorated by the number of days between the effective date of the prepayment plan selection and the refund date.

  2. Changes to Fees. Auctiva may change the Fees Policy effective 30 days after those changes have been posted on our Web site, which may include the addition of new fees. We may change any promotional discounts, or the fee/duration details of the trial period, and such changes are effective when we post them. Users who select a Prepaid plan will have their rate locked for the full duration of the plan (1, 2, or 3 years, respectively) they select.

  3. Account Closure. You may close your account on our site, or by request to Customer Support. Auctiva may, at its discretion, cancel or suspend your account for violations of this agreement or other reason, including but not limited to violations of Auctiva's Terms of Service. If your account is not canceled but remains unused, you are still responsible for any incurred fees, including excess image hosting charges, shipping insurance and unpaid fees for excess listing over the plan limit (for Advanced Plan Users only). Upon account closure, you are responsible for the entire monthly fee (if applicable) that pertains to the month in which you canceled, and your final monthly fee (if applicable) will not be prorated. Users closing an account under a prepayment plan will be entitled to a refund provided the cancellation occurs within 30 days of the effective date of the prepayment plan selection. No refunds will be made for prepaid accounts canceled more than 30 days after effective date of the prepaid plan selection. When a refund is made for a prepaid account, such refund will be calculated by subtracting the undiscounted monthly fee for the plan selected from the amount that was prepaid, prorated by the number of days between the effective date of the prepayment plan selection and the cancellation.

  4. Discounts, Credits and Refunds. Auctiva may, at its discretion, offer discounts, coupons or promotions that may reduce applicable fees. You may request credits to your account by contacting Auctiva Customer Support. Credits will be granted at Auctiva's discretion. Any refunds will be made in credits to your Auctiva account. You will not be entitled to a refund in the event we cancel your account for a violation by you of Auctiva's Terms of Service, or if you have not used our services. Credit balances will be carried over and applied to the next billing cycle. Credit balances at the time of account closure are forfeited.

  5. Past Due Accounts/Credit Risks. For accounts that are in arrears, or accounts that Auctiva, at its discretion, believes may represent a credit risk, Auctiva may charge amounts as they come due or sooner than the account would otherwise have been charged based on its billing cycle. You may be billed a monthly finance charge of the lower of 1.5% or the highest amount permitted by applicable law if your account becomes past due. Your account may be suspended or terminated for non-payment. You agree to reimburse Auctiva for any costs arising from collections activity.

  6. Inactive Accounts. If you do not log into your Auctiva account and do not incur any charges for a period of 12 consecutive months, Auctiva may consider your account inactive. In such a case, you can reactivate your Auctiva account by logging in. Reactivated Auctiva accounts are not refundable. Inactive accounts may be deleted at the sole discretion of

To see the payment policies for plans that have been discontinued, click here